Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Securing the Presidential Aura

One of the important parts of convincing voters you would be a good president is convincing them you look like a president and carry the aura of a president.

As the presidential primaries have heated up dramatically in the past two weeks, I have noticed candidates desperately trying to look presidential. Recently, I observed that some candidates have placed men appearing to be body-guards close to the candidate while in public. As someone who has seen a real presidential security detail up-close countless times, something just looked fishy with many of these "security details" (see below Memo to Mitt: Hire a Real Security Firm...Ditch the Red SUV With No License Plate...It Doesn't Look Presidential). Wanting to learn more, I dug deeper and discovered that some candidates have hired security details (e.g., Mitt Romney and John McCain). There is no doubt in my mind that one of the reasons for hiring these details is the desire to appear presidential.

Some readers may think, "well, as the candidate becomes better known, there may be security threats on the candidate's life so he needs to protect himself." However, this is a bad argument because if a real security threat existed, the candidate could ask the Secret Service to provide a security detail and the agency would (e.g., Barack Obama).

Background. Before delving into these expensive attempts to look presidential, I should provide a little background:
  • Other than Hillary Clinton, who has Secret Service protection as a former First Lady, Barack Obama is the only candidate with a Secret Service detail. Obama's detail costs over $40,000 a day (more details on this later; for now, see the Washington Post).
  • The size of the security details for Hillary and Obama (let alone Romney and McCain) absolutely pail in comparison to the size of President Bush's security detail. It is well known that the Secret Service will fund over 100 full time agents to guard Bush once he retires (see the Washington Post.) One can only imagine how many agents now guard him. Consider that on a recent trip in Israel, the President's motorcade consisted of over 40 vehicles. See photo below, where all vehicles are a part of the President's motorcade.

Official caption: "President Bush's convoy, more than 45 vehicles in all, makes it way from Jerusalem to Ramallah on the West Bank, where the President met with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas." Photo from White House Photo blog.

Romney Securing the Presidential Aura

Examine the following picture and caption, provided by the AP and ask yourself whether it is about security or appearance.

AP Photo; source; "With his security detail guarding the door, Republican presidential hopeful, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, reviews notes before talking with reporters after a campaign speech in Denver, Friday, Feb. 1, 2008."

Notice that this same guard is in another photo of Romney two days later.

AP Photo; source; "Republican presidential hopeful, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, smiles as he cheers with his supporters during his Illinois campaign rally at the College of DuPage, Sunday, Feb.3, 2008, in Glen Ellyn, Ill."

Reuters photo; source; "Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney shakes hands with supporters after speaking at an appearance at Freeway Ford in Denver, Colorado February 1, 2008."

Now, I'm sure some readers are thinking, "well, of course he would hire security, he is worth $250 million." But, if it was really about security, why didn't he acquire a security detail earlier?

The Real Secret Service on the Campaign Trail

The contrast between candidate Mitt Romney, who has no Secret Service protection, and candidate Barack Obama, who was placed under Secret Service protection in May 2007 (more here: CNN, Washington Post, or New York Times), could not be clearer to those who know what to look for (e.g., the real ear-pieces, the real chest pins, etc.) However, to the general public, Mitt Romney looks at least somewhat presidential with his security detail.

Reuters photo; source; "US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama (D-IL) greet supporters as he takes part in a rally in Wilmington, Delaware, February 3, 2008."

The Real Secret Service and The Real Presidential Aura

AFP; source;

White House; source.

Memo to Mitt: Hire a Real Security Firm...Ditch the Red SUV With No License Plate...It Doesn't Look Presidential

In looking to confirm my hunch about Mitt's Romney's security detail, I was surprised to find the following AP photo and caption:

"Republican presidential hopeful former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney shakes hands with his local security detail upon arrival at the airport in Denver, Friday, Feb. 1, 2008."

There are so many problems with this scene I could hardly contain myself when I saw it:
  1. The President does not publicly shake hands with his security detail.
  2. The President does not rely upon a "local security detail." Although there are local Secret Service agents who provide security for events, numerous agents are with the President on virtually all travels (look for them deplaning Air Force One about 20 seconds after the President). (Obviously, Romney has some traveling security detail as evidence by the appearance of the same security officer with Romney in multiple states--see above).
  3. The President never uses a red SUV. He uses a black limo or a black SUV (see photos above and below).
  4. Where's the license plate?
Memo to Mitt: next time you hire a security detail, consider examining the real thing for a few ideas about the presidential aura.

Official caption: "A member of the Secret Service checks the engine of President Bush's vehicle in Mount Vernon, Va., home of George Washington." Photo from White House Photo blog.

Official caption: "Secret Service agents wait in their vehicles as President George W. Bush greets German Chancellor Angela Merkel at his Crawford, Texas ranch." Photo from White House Photo blog.

Official Caption: "Don Powell, President Bush's coordinator for Gulf Coast recovery, talks to White House staff while Bush toured a neighborhood affected by Hurricane Katrina in Long Beach, Miss. March 1, 2007." Photo from White House Photo blog.

Official Caption: "The door to the President's limousine stands open as the President and the First Lady board Air Force One en route from Czechoslovakia to Germany, June 5, 2007. The armor-plated vehicle travels with the President on all state visits." From White House Photo blog.

Official Caption: "A Secret Service agent stands guard during a White House visit to the Boys and Girls Club of South Central Kansas, in Wichita, June 15, 2007." From White House Photo blog.

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