Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hillary's Inability to Persuade on Iraq

In trying to ascertain what went so wrong for the Clinton campaign, which now appears to be on the verge of loosing, I am doing research on Hillary's record regarding Iraq as this is a pivotal issue for many far-left voters. Although many main-stream voters do not know the ins-and-outs of Hillary's record, the far-left voters are well aware of these issues.

Consider the following other facts:
  • Hillary Clinton has changed her position on the war in Iraq many times.
    • Hillary Clinton's floor speech October 10, 2002 on S.J. Res. 45, A Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq : "This is a very difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make -- any vote that may lead to war should be hard -- but I cast it with conviction.... So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. "
    • On April 21, 2004, Hillary said the following: [Do you regret your vote about Iraq?] "No, I don't regret giving the president authority because at the time it was in the context of weapons of mass destruction, grave threats to the United States, and clearly, Saddam Hussein had been a real problem for the international community for more than a decade." (source)
    • On December 12, 2005, the Washington Post wrote the following: "Clinton has stayed steadfastly on a centrist path, criticizing President Bush but refusing to embrace the early troop withdrawal options that are gaining rapid favor in her party. This careful balance is drawing increasing scorn from liberal activists, frustrated that one of the party's leading lights has shown little appetite to challenge Bush's policy more directly and embrace a plan to set a timetable for bringing U.S. forces home." (source).
    • On December 20, 2007, Bill Richardson pointed out a flip-flop by Hillary: “Senator Clinton’s comments are a stunning flip-flop — she’s been saying she would keep troops in Iraq for five years, until 2013, and now she comes up with an inconsistent, incredible turnaround,” (source)
    • On Tuesday, February 19, 2008, Hillary Clinton's website said: "Our message to the president is clear. It is time to begin ending this war -- not next year, not next month -- but today." (source)

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