Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Advice to John McCain on Persuasive Strategies

In recent days, I have heard from some conservatives that John McCain's fate is already sealed. These individuals reason it is impossible for McCain to win. However, these individuals should not forget that George Bush overcame a 17 point gap and defeated John Kerry (source). Here are some rough thoughts on what McCain could do in attempting to persuade voters:

What John McCain Can Do
  • Make the Election About National Security
    • Follow the Bush play book from 2004
    • Play upon voter's reliance on the sunk-cost fallacy ("we've invested so much in Iraq, we cannot quit now")
  • Highlight Barack Obama's Liberal Record
    • Scare voters with fears of higher taxes etc.
    • Scare the "value voters" with Supreme Court nominations
  • Question Barack Obama's Patriotism
John McCain must pick a strong VP who can effectively smear and destroy the Obama aura. Granted, negative attacks can backfire. But, if done properly, they are extremely effective (just ask Al Gore and John Kerry).

Why Barack Obama Will Be Much Stronger Than John Kerry
  • The democratic base is incredibly enthused--far more than in 2004 and, more importantly, far more than republicans. (source; source; source; source; source; source)
  • John McCain is struggling to hold onto the conservative base while George Bush had the conservative base turn out in record numbers in 2004.
  • Barack has built his own coalition, drawing thousands of new voters into the process.
  • Barack will almost certainly have a strong financial advantage.


Randall Bytwerk said...

Do you think that questioning Obama's patriotism would work? I suspect it would backfire for two reasons. First, people would be reluctant to believe it. It could well boomerang. Second, it would be out of character for McCain, wouldn't it?

I should think the experience argument would be stronger.

unspun said...

Thanks again for your comments. Always appreciate them. See my response post.