Sunday, March 9, 2008

Negative Attacks and Persuasion

For a while now, I've said that I believe negative attacks work--with one major caution: they must be done properly. Today, I came across a very interesting poll that demonstrated what can happen when a candidate does negative attacks in a poor manner and becomes "the negative" candidate.

Around the close of November 2007 and the beginning of December 2007, Hillary Clinton stepped up her attacks of Barack Obama considerably (see articles below). However, at about the same time, an absolutely fascinating poll was released in the Des Moines Register. Consider the poll:

"Which Candidate is the most negative?"
  • Hillary Clinton 21%
  • John Edwards 9%
  • Dennis Kucinich 9%
  • Barack Obama 8%
(source: The Iowa Poll, Des Moines Register, 12/2/07) Note: I could not find the entirety of the survey on the Des Moines Register website to confirm with absolute certainty this information. Nonetheless, I believe it is accurate.

However, about this same time, Senator Clinton went on the attack with renewed vigor and intensity as Senator Obama pulled ahead. Consider the following press articles:
  • Losing Ground in Iowa, Clinton Assails Obama (Washington Post)
  • Hillary Clinton Attack on Barack Obama Comes After She Looses Iowa Lead (NY Daily News)
  • This Clinton Attack on Obama Could Boomerang (The Swamp)
  • Battered by Poll, Clinton Hits Back (NY Times blog)

In addition, Senator Clinton made the following vindictive and accusative statement at a press
conference: (watch at

“But I have been for months on the receiving end of rather consistent attacks – well now the fun part starts,” Mrs. Clinton said, punctuating the word “fun.” “We’re into the last month, and we’re going to start drawing the contrasts, because I want every Iowans to have accurate information when they make their decisions.” (source)

Two Persuasive Lessons

  • Attacking out of ostensible desperation does not work--let's not forget how bad Iowa was for Hillary. She went from front-runner status and the consideration of skipping the state to an absolutely embarrassing 3rd place finish.
  • Attacking and sounding vindictive does not work.

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