Sunday, March 9, 2008

Delegates vs. Momentum

As I looked at Barack Obama's website this morning, I noticed a headline reading "Obama Wins Wyoming, Pads Delegate Lead" (source). Although the Obama campaign did not write the entirety of this story, I was nonetheless struck by the emphasis on momentum in this election.

For example, the title of the article read "Pads Delegate Lead." However, according to an AP story, "Obama won seven delegates and Clinton won five." Given that each candidate has around 1500 delegates, 2 delegates represents about 0.133% of each candidate's delegate count. Yet, you would never know this from the campaign's PR offensive.

Similarly, last Tuesday, the Clinton spin machine succeeded in convincing the American people that Clinton scored a major victory. However, Clinton and Obama split the delegates in Texas, Clinton gained 9 in Ohio, Clinton gained 4 in Rhode Island, and Obama gained 3 in Vermont (source). This means that Clinton gained 10 delegates overall--hardly a large number considering both candidates now stand at about 1500.

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