Friday, March 7, 2008

Hillary vs. Barack Google Ads

As I was researching possible blog entries, I noticed an interesting aspect of the Clinton campaign's marketing strategy--no, I'm not talking about the use of online advertising, which is widespread. I was struck by the fact that Senator Clinton's official campaign ad on Google begins by saying "Help Make History!" while Senator Obama's official campaign ad on Google begins by saying "Help elect Barack Obama." What struck me the most is that Senator Clinton's campaign is playing to the "make history" argument while Senator Obama's campaign is not--and, of course, Senator Obama's campaign could as Senator Obama would be the first black President. (For what its worth, Senator McCain could do the same thing as he would be the oldest president ever, if elected). See below:

I believe that the "help make history" argument is rather weak in this election. I believe that people tend to vote for the candidate they: (a) like the most and (b) share general policy positions with. Even if a voter was somewhat drawn to the "make history" argument, as I pointed out earlier, whether you vote for McCain, Clinton, or Obama, you will make history.

Perhaps this is because I am a white man and every President and Vice-President in American history has been a white man. Nevertheless, I just cannot see people rallying around someone simply in order to make history. I admit that I have no evidence to back this up and the Clinton camp may have a poll that validates its strategy, but I thought I would offer this pithy comment for whatever it is worth.

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