Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Obama Finally Answers "Bitter" Comments With Flavor

For the first time that I am aware of, Senator Obama has responded to the "bitter" controversy in a way that meshed with his overall campaign (i.e., hope and change). In tonight's Democratic debate (transcript), he admitted that people are frustrated and concerned (hence his "bitter comments"). But, instead of leaving it at this, he emphasized that he is the man to elevate the same old politics that have left voters discouraged and empty. (Notice the bolded portions).

SEN. OBAMA: So this i something that I've said before. It is something that I will repeat again. And yes, people are frustrated and angry about it, but what we're seeing in this election is the opportunity to break through that frustration. And that's what our campaign has been about, saying that if the American people get involved and engaged, then we are going to start seeing change. And that's what makes this election unique.

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