Sunday, May 25, 2008

One of the Best Speeches of This Campaign

I recently re-watched Barack Obama's speech in Iowa in which he essentially celebrated his primary nomination by thanking the people who made his campaign possible--the voters of Iowa who catapulted him to a national candidacy that could overcome the inevitable.

The speech is available here on YouTube and here as a transcript.

To get an idea of the enthusiasm and the passion of the crowd and of Senator Obama, begin watching at 17 minutes.

Why This Speech is Effective
  • Senator Obama thanked the people who made his candidacy possible
    • It is far too rare for politicians to go back to their base and thank the people who made their candidacy possible. Senator Obama was extremely smart to do this.
  • Senator Obama is subtly reminding the country that he is popular in "white America"
    • By holding an event in a largely white state that he won, he is trying to counter the idea that he cannot win white votes
  • Senator Obama is extremely gracious to Senator Clinton
  • Senator Obama stays on message
    • Emphasis on hope and change
    • Subtle attacks against John McCain, who is linked to George Bush

My final comment is that I struggle to imagine how Senator McCain can win in the fall with an orator like this as an opponent and a crowd that is this excited. (I still think it is possible since democrats seem to specialize in loosing elections).


Randall Bytwerk said...

Oops, fix the spelling of the title...

unspun said...

Thanks. Apparently this was not one of my best blog posts ever.