Thursday, January 31, 2008

CNN Democratic Debate: Create A Common Enemy

Given the especially hostile nature of the last democratic debate (the one where John Edwards was the "grown up candidate"; more here), it is no surprise that Obama and Clinton toned things down. One of the oldest ways to make peace amongst rivals is to find a common enemy. That was the overwhelming strategy in play tonight and it worked. The debate was rather calm and subdued, with both candidates acting very professional and respectful.

Below is a list of numerous quotations where the candidates created unity by attacking a common enemy.

(Note: Quotes below from the official CNN transcript, which is available here.)

"[OBAMA:] And I think that, as we move forward in this debate, understand we are both Democrats and we understand the issues at stake. We want change from George Bush."

"[CLINTON:] But the differences between Barack and I pale in comparison to the differences that we have with Republicans, and I want to say that first and foremost, because it's really..."


"[CLINTON:] So we have differences both at home and around the world, but, again, I would emphasize that what really is important here, because the Republicans were in California debating yesterday, they are more of the same. Neither of us, just by looking at us, you can tell, we are not more of the same. We will change our country."


"[OBAMA:] Now, keep in mind, the one thing I suspect that Senator Clinton and I agree on. Part of the reason we are in this mortgage mess is because there's been complete lack of oversight on the part of the Bush administration."


"[OBAMA:] Many of the solutions that Senator Clinton just talked about are solutions that I agree with, that I've been working on for many years, and my suspicion is whatever our differences, we're going to have big differences with the Republicans, but I think a practical, common sense solution to the problem is what the American people are looking for."

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